Mr. Ashish | SoundProofAddict
User Posts: Mr. Ashish

Discover the devices to annoy your neighbors with this helpful guide. Find the perfect tool to get back at noisy neighbors.

Make your living space peaceful by soundproofing your interior door. Here are the 7 proven ways to soundproof an interior door...

Discover 6 proven ways to soundproof jalousie windows. Improve your privacy and reduce noise with these simple techniques. Read more now...

Here are the 6 effective methods to soundproof a bay window. From secondary glazing to soundproof shutters, learn how to reduce noise.

Discover 17 proven ways to soundproof a window effectively! Reduce unwanted noise with our comprehensive guide.

Here are 5 Effective Methods to Soundproof a Louvered Door. Learn proven techniques for reducing noise leakage and make your room quieter.

Here are the 7 proven ways to soundproof a bifold door and reduce the noise coming through your door in your room with investing a ton.

Want to know: How to soundproof a French door. Discover 6 effective ways to soundproofing your French door and enjoy a quieter living space.

Want to soundproof a hollow door? Here are the 9 proven ways to soundproof a hollow core door that are both cost-effective and effective. More...

Learn how to soundproof a condo door and cut down the noise coming into your room through subunits or halls>

User Articles: Mr. Ashish
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  1. Hey Govind,

    Dealing with this situation is pretty common these days, and I’m getting a bunch of questions about it. So, here’s the deal: if you haven’t already, try complaining to the management, but make sure you’ve got some solid evidence, like a recording of the stomping noise. If you’ve already complained and it’s not working, you might want to consider stomping back (not the friendliest option, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do) or taking it up with the cops.

    Now, if you’re looking for a more peaceful resolution, consider soundproofing your room or at the ceiling. We’ve got a guide on how to do it that you can check out for some tips.

    Hope that helps you out. If you’ve got any more questions on this or anything else, feel free to drop them in the comments. Good luck!

  2. Ok, Thanks!

  3. Hi leka,

    Yes, you can go for a new quiet window air conditioner if you have budget, but before that try to make it quieter by reading our this post:
